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Documentation guidelines

General information


We edit collaboratively content on Notion, to be able to draft, comment and publish pages. Every 6min, the published content in Notion will be sent in the documentation guide website:

The documentation website is divided in 3 kinds of content:

  1. book is a collection of chapter and pages. You will find the “Start Here” book, “Run your own!” Book or “FAQ — Decidim” Book for example.
  2. chapter introduce a serie of pages, or particular theme, like “Decidim deployment” or “Decidim modules”.
  3. page is well, a page with headings sections, images, embedded, etc.

How can I participate?

For motivated and recurring contributors

Hadrien ( will be very happy to add you as content author. He will give you more informations on the onboarding, and basic rules to collaborate.

For hobbyist contributors

Hadrien ( will be very happy to add you as commenter. He will give you more informations on the onboarding, and basic rules to collaborate.

How can I edit a page?

  1. Go on the Notion database
  2. Click on the page you want to edit
  3. Edit the page

How can I add a page?

  1. Go on the notion database
  2. Add a page with a title
  3. Add the tag “draft”
  4. Write down the page
  5. Remove the tag “draft”

How can I add a book?

  1. Send an email to with the following informations:
    1. Why should we add a new book in the documentation website?
    2. How much time are you willing to put in creating this new book?
  2. Wait on us to validate the creation of a new book

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Can I add other’s website embedded?

Yes you can, if you respect licensing. We may change the embedded to self-host the content in order to be more resilient.

I don’t want to contribute anymore

Drop an email to Hadrien ( and that’s it. No need for justifications, and thanks for your past contributions!

How decisions are taken?

For now, Octree will make decision on restricting/removing content. As time goes, we will adapt and your suggestion on how we take decisions is more than welcome.