General information
The Homepage settings page allows you to configure and administrate the information that appears on your Homepage.
Every section in the Homepage is called a content block.
For instance, this is the How to participate content block:
To manage these content blocks you need to Drag and Drop the contents between the two columns. The Active content blocks are on the left and the Inactive content blocks are on the right.
As an example, here you can see how your page will look with the Hero image content block (following section).
Hero image
Sub hero banner
Displays the description text of the instance. See Appearance.
Footer sub hero banner
How to participate
Upcoming meetings
Last activity
HTML block
Highlighted processes
Highlighted assemblies
Highlighted initiatives
Highlighted consultations
Highlighted conferences
Highlighted content banner
Organization statistics
Organization metrics
Based on Decidim Docs under Creative Commons BY SA 4.0