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Organize members

General information


Assembly members allow showing all the people or groups that belong to a given assembly. It’s useful for being transparent.


You can see an example in Decidim Coordination Commitee Assembly in Metadecidim.


Creating a new assembly member

For creating a new phase of a participatory process:

  1. Sign in as administrator
  2. Go to the assemblies section in the sidebar
  3. Click on the assembly Edit action
  4. Click on the Members link in the sidebar
  5. Click on the "New member" button
  6. Fill the form
Participant typeRequiredWheter this assembly member is non-participant or existing participant. Does she already have an account created on the platform?
Full nameRequired if it’s non-participant.
User or groupRequired if it’s an existing participant.Type at least three characters to search.
PositionRequiredChoose one of President, Vice president, Secretary, or Other. In case it’s other, you can fill in the position title.
WeightOptionalWhich order will it have in relation to the other members. Having a lower number means a higher priority. For instance, if you have two members, "Member a" with weight "10" and "Member b" with weight "0", then "Member b" will be first when ordering.
Designation dateRequiredWhen was this person or group assigned as a member of this assembly. Expected format: dd/mm/yyyy
Designation modeOptionalHow was this person designed.
Ceased dateOptionalWhen was this person or group ceased to be a member of this assembly. Expected format: dd/mm/yyyy
GenderOptionalWhich gender does this person most identify with.
BirthdayOptionalWhen was this person born. Expected format: dd/mm/yyyy
BirthplaceOptionalWhere was this person born.

Based on Decidim Docs under Creative Commons BY SA 4.0