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Attach documents

General information


Attachments allow an administrator to upload static files to a space.

When a space is launched, it is important to provide citizens with as much information as possible about them so that they can participate with knowledge. That is why it is helpful to add files (Attachments) with the information that is considered relevant.

Optionally, these documents can be grouped in Folders. For example, for a participatory process of remodeling a square, folders could be created with information about possible uses, with plans, with economic information, etc.

They can be found on the Space homepage:


Create a new attachment

For creating a new attachment of a space:

  1. Sign in as administrator
  2. Go to the space section in the sidebar
  3. Click on the space Edit action
  4. Click on the Attachments link in the sidebar
  5. Click on the "New attachment" button
Attachment or image nameRequiredWhat is the title for this attachment.
WeightOptionalWhich order will it have in relation to the other attachments. Having a lower number means a higher priority. For instance, if you have two categories, "Attachment a" with weight "10" and "Attachment b" with weight "0", then "Attachment b" will be first when ordering.
DescriptionRequiredA long description explaining what this file is about.
FolderOptionalWhich folder this attachment belongs to.
FileRequiredUpload the file. Guidance for file: Has to be an image or a document. For images, use preferrably landscape images, the service crops the image. For CSV files, the separator between columns must be a comma (","). Maximum file size: 10MB. Allowed file extensions depends in your server configuration.

Create a new folder

NameRequiredName of the folder
WeightOptionalWhich order will it have in relation to the other folders. Having a lower number means a higher priority. For instance, if you have two folders, "Folder a" with weight "10" and "Folder b" with weight "0", then "Folder b" will be first when ordering.
DescriptionRequiredA long description explaining what this folder is about.

Based on Decidim Docs under Creative Commons BY SA 4.0
