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General information


The Blog component allows people to read multiple posts ordered by date.


Some examples of where this component was used:

  • News in Propose new functionalities for Decidim software in Metadecidim


To configure the Blog component:

  1. Sign in as admin
  2. Go to admin panel
  3. In the main sidebar, click in the button for the space that you want to configure the component for. For instance, it could be "Processes", "Assemblies" or "Conferences".
  4. Go to components
  5. Click on "Add component" button
  6. Click on "Blog"
  7. Fill the Add component form

Add the component

NameRequiredWhat is the title of this component. For instance, "Blogs"
Order positionOptionalWhich order will it have in relation to the other blogs. Having a lower number means a higher priority. For instance, if you have two blogs, "Blog a" with weight "10" and "Blog b" with weight "0", then "Blog b" will be first when ordering.
AnnouncementOptionalA general announcement that’ll be visible on the general blogs landing page.
Comments enabledOptionalWhether you want to have comments in the meetings.
Comments max lengthOptionalWhat is the characters limit that participants will have when making comments. Leave 0 for default value.

In the cases where the space that this component will be used has Phases, for instance, in Participatory Processes, then you can also define different behaviors per Step.

AnnouncementOptionalA general announcement that’ll be visible on the general blog landing page.
Comments blockedOptionalWhether you want to enable comments creation for this phase.
Endorsements enabledOptionalWhether you want to enable endorsements for this phase.
Endorsements blockedOptionalWhether you want to disable adding new endorsements for this phase.

Manage posts

Create a new post

Create post asRequiredParticipant account or user group that will be the author of the post.
TitleRequiredWhat is the title of this post.
BodyRequiredWhat is the description of this post.


Edit: Edit form for this post. It’s the same form as "New post".

Folder: For classifying attachments

Attachments: Documents that are related to the post.

Permissions: To handle the permissions of this post, depending on the verification a participant has.

Delete: To delete this post


An administrator can choose which kind of Authorizations a participant need to have to make certain actions in the blogs:

  • Comment
  • Endorse

Based on Decidim Docs under Creative Commons BY SA 4.0
