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Organize speakers

General information


The speakers are people that are going to talk at the conference.


Create a new speaker

For creating a new speaker of a conference:

  1. Sign in as administrator
  2. Go to the conferences section in the sidebar
  3. Click on the conference Edit action
  4. Click on the Speakers link in the sidebar
  5. Click on the "New Conference Speaker" button
  6. Fill the form
Participant typeRequiredWheter this speaker is a non-participant or existing participant. Does she already have an account created on the platform?
Full nameRequired if it’s non-participant.Name of the speaker.
User or groupRequired if it’s an existing participant.Type at least three characters to search.
Related meetingsOptionalWhich meetings does this speaker attend and participates actively?
PositionRequiredMetadata for showing extra information about the speaker.
AffiliationRequiredMetadata for showing extra information about the speaker.
Short BioOptionalMetadata for showing extra information about the speaker.
Twitter handleOptionalMetadata for showing extra information about the speaker.
Personal URLOptionalMetadata for showing extra information about the speaker.
AvatarOptionalMetadata for showing extra information about the speaker.
Default image

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