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General information


Badges are recognitions to participant actions and progress in the platform. As participants start discovering, participating and interacting in the platform, they will earn different badges. Here is the list of badges and some ways participants can earn them.

It’s a gamification mechanism to improve the engagement of the participants in a ludic way.


Participant experience

The badges a participant has are visible in her account. There’s also a general explanation page with a short description of every badge.

When a participant earns a badge she receives a notification.

Badge levels

Badges have multiple levels, depending in the number of times she has made the action. For instance, for Proposals badge she’ll receive the first level badge when arriving at 1 follower, the second level at 15 followers, the third level at 30 followers, the fourth level at 60 and the fifth level at 100.

TitleDescriptionHow it’s earnedLevels
Accepted proposalsGranted when particiapnts actively participate with new proposals and these are accepted.The participant needs to choose the participation space of her interest with submission for proposals enabled and try to make proposals that can be carried out. This way they are more likely to be accepted.1, 5, 15, 30, 50
Attended meetingsGranted when participants attend several face-to-face meetings.The participant needs to register for the meetings she want to attend1, 3, 5, 10, 30
DebatesGranted when participants actively participate in the different debates by leaving comments.The participant needs to take part in debates.1, 5, 10, 30, 50
FollowersGranted when participant reach a certain number of followers. The platform is a social and political network, so participants ned to weave their web to communicate with other people in the platform.The participant needs to be be active and follow other people. That will surely make other people follow her.1, 15, 30, 60, 100
Published initiativesGranted when a participant launch new initiatives, partnering with others to carry them out.The participant needs to go to the participation space of Intiatives and follow the steps to create a new initiative.1, 5, 15, 30, 50
InvitationsGranted when participants invite some people and they have become participants.The participant needs to use the “invite friends” link on her user page to invite her friends. She can customize the message she’s sending. She’ll level up by sending invitations and getting them registered. Note that this feature is disabled and this badge is not available, so it’ll be removed in the future.1, 5, 10, 30, 50
Proposal supportsGranted when participants support other people’s proposals.The participant needs to browse and spend some time reading other people’s proposals and give support to the proposals she like or find interesting.5, 15, 50, 100, 500
ProposalsGranted when participants actively participate with new proposals.The participant needs to choose the participation space of her interest with submission for proposals enabled and create a new proposal.1, 5, 10, 30, 60

Based on Decidim Docs under Creative Commons BY SA 4.0
