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General information


Most of the contents in Decidim allows to be followed. This means that you’ll receive notifications of the activity being made by the thing you’re following.

You can control these notifications in the settings of your account.

The activity of the things that you’re following is visible in your profile timeline.

For following a thing:

  1. Navigate to whatever you want to follow.
  2. Click in the "Follow" button.
  1. You’ll see the "Follow" button disappear and the "Stop following" button appear.

To unfollow a thing:

  1. Navigate to whatever you want to unfollow.
  2. Click in the "Stop following" button.
  1. You’ll see the "Stop following" button disappear and the "Follow" button appear.

Administrators by default follow all the new spaces that are created in the Decidim platform.

A participant can also follow another participants. This is public and it’s visible in the profile sections follows and followers.

Based on Decidim Docs under Creative Commons BY SA 4.0
