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General information


Comments are public messages left to the rest of the community. It allows participants to share information or opinions about a proposal, debate, meeting, initiative, etc.


Create a comment

  1. Sign in as a participant
  2. Go to the content that you want to leave a comment
  3. Go to the bottom of the page
  4. Fill the "Add comment" form

Depending on the component settings, this feature can be disabled.

Participant comment experience

It’s possible to:

  • mention a participant or user group (like @admin). They’ll receive a notification
  • add a hashtag (like #Example). This will link to the general search
  • make a quote of a comment (like > this is a quote)
  • if an URL is entered, then it’ll be linked automatically
  • if HTML is added, it’ll be escaped and not shown
  • add emojis to comments


After a comment is created, the author can "Reply", "Report", "Get link", "Edit" and "Delete". Other participants can "Reply", "Report" and "Get link". Some of these actions are visible in the three dots menu:

Sort comments

Comments can be sorted by "Best rated", "Recent", "Older" or "More discussed".

Reply to comments

It’s possible to reply to comments until the 4th anidation level.

Edit comments

Once a comment is edited then it’s shown that was edited. It doesn’t have a version history of the changes made.

Delete comments

Once a comment is deleted is not longer visible.

Based on Decidim Docs under Creative Commons BY SA 4.0
