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Close meetings

General information


After a meeting has passed it’s possible and recommended to close the meeting. This allows to add minutes, and notes that give a summary on what was discussed during the meeting, the agreements reached, decisions made, etc.

This allows to bring transparency to the meeting and also serves as a record of the different meetings.

It’s also possible to add other kind of metadata to the meeting, such as what organizations has attended, how many attendees and contributions were, and what proposals were discussed.


Close an official meeting

To close a meeting:

  1. Sign in as admin
  2. Go to admin panel
  3. In the main sidebar, click in the button for the space that you want to configure the component for. For instance, it could be "Processes", "Assemblies", or "Conferences"
  4. Click on "Meetings"
  5. Search the meeting that you want to close
  6. Click on the "Close" button
  7. Fill the form
MinutesRequiredDescription of what happened in the meeting.
List of organizations that attendedOptionalMetadata that gets shown in the sidebar of the meeting.
Number of attendeesRequiredMetadata that gets shown in the sidebar of the meeting. Must be a number.
Number of contributionsOptionalMetadata that gets shown in the sidebar of the meeting. Must be a number.
ProposalsOptionalChoose proposals from this space that were discussed in this meeting
Video URLOptionalIt’s not used for anything. It will be removed in the future.
Audio URLOptionalIt’s not used for anything. It will be removed in the future.
Is visibleOptionalCheck if you want to publish the close report

Close a participant meeting

Just like participants can create meetings, they can also close a meeting. They have fewer fields to fill.

To close a a meeting:

  1. Sign in as the participant that created the meeting
  2. Go to the meeting page
  3. Click on "Close". This will only be visible after the meeting has passed
  4. Fill the form
MinutesRequiredDescription of what happened in the meeting.
Number of attendeesRequiredMetadata that gets shown in the sidebar of the meeting. Must be a number.
ProposalsOptionalChoose proposals from this space that were discussed in this meeting

If you relate a proposal to a meeting, the meeting also will be shown in the proposal.

Based on Decidim Docs under Creative Commons BY SA 4.0