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Manage registrations

General information


Through registrations you can have capacity control of the attendance for a meeting. With this feature for instance you can limit how many people could attend to the meeting, or you can know before the start of a meeting if you need to find a bigger room to have the meeting.

Enabling this feature will add a button so that participants can express their wish to go to the meeting. Depending in how this feature is configured, then:

  • it’s possible to define how many slots are available for controling the maximum capacity for this meeting
  • a custom registration form for asking information to participants can be configured
  • administrators can make invitations to other participants or people that isn’t registered in the platform
  • it’s possible to control attendance to the meeting through registration codes

Once participants confirm joining a meeting they get asked if they’re reprensenting a group and if they want to show publicly that they’re attending.


To enable registrations for a meeting:

  1. Sign in as admin
  2. Go to admin panel
  3. In the main sidebar, click in the button for the space that you want to configure the component for. For instance, it could be "Processes", "Assemblies", or "Conferences"
  4. Click on "Meetings"
  5. Search the meeting that you want to enable registrations for
  6. Click on the "Edit" button
  7. Change the "Registration type" field to "On this platform"
  8. Define how many slots are available in "Available slots for this meeting"
  9. Click on the "Update" button
  10. Click on the "Registrations" button
  11. Check the "Registrations enabled" checkbox
  12. Fill the form

Manage registrations

Registrations settings form

Registrations enabledRequiredCheck to enable the registration for this meeting.
Registration form enabledOptionalCheck if you want to enable the registration form
Available slots for this meetingRequiredHow many slots are available. Leave it to 0 if you have unlimited slots available.
Reserved slotsRequiredHow many slots are already reserved. Leave it to 0 if you don’t have reserved slots
Registration termsRequiredWhat terms of services participants need to accept to register or join the meeting.

Registration form

This feature allows you to define a custom form like the Surveys component to ask participants for registration information.

Export all

It’s possible to export registrations in multiple formats: CSV, JSON and XLSX (Excel).

The exported data will have these fields:

  • id: The registration id
  • code: the registration code (if this feature is enabled)
  • user/name: the name of the user
  • user/email: the email of the user
  • user/user_group: the group of the user if she has selected that’s representing a group when registering

Manage invitations

This feature allows you to invite attendes to a meeting. These could be already registered or non-existing participants in the platform.

Manage registration codes

This feature allows you to check if the attendee is registered in the meeting. She needs to provide her code, that gets entered in this form and it’s checked against the database.

It can receive two kind of responses:

  • Registration code successfully validated.
  • This registration code is invalid.

Based on Decidim Docs under Creative Commons BY SA 4.0